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New posts in utf-32

What charset to use for json with base64 encoded binary data?

json utf-8 base64 utf-16 utf-32

Does std::wstring support UTF-16 and UTF-32 on Windows?

c++ unicode utf-8 utf-16 utf-32

How to detect unicode string width in terminal?

c++ linux unicode utf-8 utf-32

Is it possible to convert a string containing "high" unicode chars to an array consisting of dec values derived from utf-32 ("real") codes?

No UTF-32 big-endian in C#?

What open source C or C++ libraries can convert arbitrary UTF-32 to NFC? [closed]

c++ unicode open-source utf-32

Conversion from wstring to u16string and back (standard conform) in C++17 / C++20

c++ c++17 utf-16 wstring utf-32

How to get a reliable unicode character count in Python?

UTF32 and C# problems

c# encoding mono gedit utf-32

How to write 3 bytes unicode literal in Java?

Reading/writing/printing UTF-8 in C++11

How do I create a string with a surrogate pair inside of it?

What Character Encoding is best for multinational companies

Why is there no UTF-24? [duplicate]

Utf8_general_ci or utf8mb4 or...?

What's the point of UTF-16?

UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32

unicode utf-8 utf-16 utf utf-32