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MongoDB special characters

I have inserted a init file into MongoDB:

db.User.insert({ "_id" : ObjectId("5589929b887dc1fdb501cdba"), "_class" : "com.smartinnotec.aposoft.dao.domain.User", "title" : "DI.", ... "address" : { "_id" : null, ... "country" : "Österreich" }})

And if I invoke this entry with db.User.find(), than I get the following:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5589929b887dc1fdb501cdba"), "_class" : "com.smartinnotec.aposoft.dao.domain.User", "title" : "DI.", ... "address" : { "_id" : null, ... "country" : "�sterreich" } }

The word with special characters "�sterreich is not correct.

Does anybody have any idea what I can do in mongodb in order to solve this problem?

like image 323
quma Avatar asked Jul 09 '15 19:07


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2 Answers

JSON and BSON can only encode / decode valid UTF-8 strings, if your data (included input) is not UTF-8 you need to convert it before passing it to any JSON dependent system, like this:

$string = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $string); // or
$string = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT', $string); // or even
$string = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $string); // not sure how this behaves

Personally I prefer the first option, see the iconv() manual page. Other alternatives include:

  • mb_convert_encoding()

mb_convert_encoding("Österreich", "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1");

  • utf8_encode(utf8_decode($string))

You should always make sure your strings are UTF-8 encoded, even the user-submitted one.

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Somnath Muluk Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11

Somnath Muluk

Guess so you can use the HTML Codes inside a string


You can use &ouml ; to save the spl char in db.

db.User.insert({ "_id" : ObjectId("5589929b887dc1fdb501cdba"), "_class" : "com.smartinnotec.aposoft.dao.domain.User", "title" : "DI.", ... "address" : { "_id" : null, ... "country" : "&ouml;sterreich" }})

And on invoking this entry with db.User.find(),you will get the following:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5589929b887dc1fdb501cdba"), "_class" : "com.smartinnotec.aposoft.dao.domain.User", "title" : "DI.", ... "address" : { "_id" : null, ... "country" : "Österreich" } }



Replace multiple characters in a string in javascript

Hope this helps.

like image 44
SUNDARRAJAN K Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11