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Spring Boot with MongoTemplate

I am new to Spring Boot and MongoDb. Trying some examples with Mongo Repositories and Spring Boot. But after going through some of the documents found that Mongo Template is will be a better option. Unable to get a proper Spring Boot with Mongo Template example.

  1. Can someone please help me out with an example for the same.

  2. Do we need to create a User defined Repositories interface and extend Repositories or CRUD Repository, while trying for Mongo Template ?

like image 443
umesh Avatar asked Jul 10 '16 03:07


2 Answers

For further explanation, you can even use both at the same time.

MongoRepository is just an abstraction layer, like MongoTemplate, but with simpler interface.

If you found doing some kind of operation is too complicated with Spring query-creation, and somehow doesn't want to use @Query (for example, you want IDE type hint when constructing queries), you can extend the MongoRepository and use MongoTemplate as the query mechanism.

First we extend our repository with our custom interface.

public interface ArticleRepository extends MongoRepository<Article, String>, CustomArticleRepository {

Then declare the interface.

public interface CustomArticleRepository {
    List<Article> getArticleFilteredByPage(int page, int num);

And then implement our custom repository. We can autowire the MongoTemplate here and use it to query the database.

public class CustomArticleRepositoryImpl implements CustomArticleRepository {

    MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;

    public List<Article> getArticleFilteredByPage(int page, int num) {
        return mongoTemplate.findAll(Article.class)
                .skip(page * num)

Last, we use the ArticleRepository.

public class ArticleServiceImpl {

    private ArticleRepository articleRepository;

    public List<Article> getArticleByPage() {
        return articleRepository.getArticleFilteredByPage(1, 10);
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Adhika Setya Pramudita Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10

Adhika Setya Pramudita

I have found some examples using Mongo Template



If you are interested in using JPA, please see below



#Mongo DB

SpringBoot class

@EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = { DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class, HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration.class })
public class UserApp {

Mongo Repository

public interface UserRepository extends MongoRepository<User, Long> {}
like image 30
Saravana Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10
