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New posts in user-defined-types

How do I reinitialise a UDT in VB6?

vb6 user-defined-types

How to derive own distinguish type from Int?

How to define an array type in Haskell

How to alter user defined table types

Replacement for deprecated SQL Server User Defined Type with a bound Rule and Default

What's the best way to read a UDT from a database with Java?

Oracle SQL: using LAG function with user-defined-type returns "inconsistent datatypes"

Only public user defined types defined in public object modules can be used as parameters in VBA

Subclassing numpy scalar types

SQL User Defined Table Types: Why can we drop them if not used as parameter?

Classic ADO.NET - How to Pass UDT To Stored Procedure?

"User-defined type not defined" for simple custom type

Concatenating collections in PLSQL

How do you return a user defined type from a WCF service?

How to assign data to a user-defined table type from Select query in SQL Server 2014

how to filter cassandra query by a field in user defined type

Table type parameter in a stored procedure cause operand type clash error

How do I map from Oracle UDTs with ODP.NET without using OracleObjectMappingAttribute?

Calling a VB6 DLL function with a complex User Defined Type (UDT) from C#