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Python 3 - TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Python 3.2 question

python urllib

How can I get the http body when python3 throws a HTTPError

Which urllib I should choose? [duplicate]

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Python urllib2 automatic form filling and retrieval of results

Why am I getting “HTTP Error 405: Method Not Allowed” when requesting a URL using urllib2?

python urllib2 urllib

HTTPS POST request Python

python post https urllib2 urllib

Verifying HTTPS certificates with urllib.request

python 3, errorhandling urllib requests

python urllib http-error

How to download a file over http with authorization in python 3.0, working around bugs?

python python-3.x urllib

Python - Getting all images from an html file

python image urllib

Get file size from "Content-Length" value from a file in python 3.2

python http python-3.x urllib

Urllib.urlopen() works on SSLv3 urls with Python 2.6.6 on 1 machine, but not with 2.6.7/2.7.2 on another

python ssl https urllib urlopen

socket ResourceWarning using urllib in Python 3

Javascript access another webpage

javascript get urllib

urllib3 maxretryError

python urllib2 urllib urllib3

Urllib's urlopen breaking on some sites (e.g. StackApps api): returns garbage results

python urllib2 urllib urlopen

POST request with Multipart/form-data. Content-type not correct

How to call JavaScript function using BeautifulSoup and Python

How to auto log into gmail atom feed with Python?