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New posts in urllib

How to get cookies from urllib.request?

urllib2 basic authentication oddites

python webforms urllib2 urllib

why does urllib.urlopen(url) fail while urllib2.urlopen(url) works. What specifically about the server response is causing this?

python http urllib2 urllib

Why am I able to read a HEAD http request in python 3 urllib.request?

hangs on open url with urllib (python3)

python-3.x urllib

How to retrieve a webpage in python, including any images

python urllib

python 3.4.2 urlib no attribute 'pathname2url'

python urllib

Parsing web page in python using Beautiful Soup

python beautifulsoup urllib

urlopen Returning Redirect Error for Valid Links

what does read() in urlopen('http.....').read() do? [urllib]

python beautifulsoup urllib

NameError: name 'urllib' is not defined "

python python-2.7 urllib

Extract Meta Keywords From Webpage?

BOM in server response screws up json parsing

python json urllib2 urllib

What should I do if socket.setdefaulttimeout() is not working?

How to use Proxy PAC file for python urllib or request?

Works with urrlib.request but doesn't work with requests

BeautifulSoup not extracting all html (automatically deleting much of a page's html)

python beautifulsoup urllib

How do I fix a ValueError: read of closed file exception?

python python-3.x urllib

Again urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request

Python: Log in a website using urllib

python urllib2 urllib