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New posts in unmanaged

Unmanaged callback causing stack to overflow

c# c .net-4.0 callback unmanaged

Calling unmanaged C/C++ DLL functions from SQL Server 2008

How do I avoid access violation exception calling a CUDA Dll?

Access violation exception at 'Marshal.StructureToPtr' in Windows 7 + .NET 4.0 (Windows XP + .NET 3.5 works fine)

c# .net marshalling unmanaged

How can I read from unmanaged memory in C#?

c# c++ interop unmanaged

Passing a pointer to class into unmanaged c++ code from C#

c# c++ marshalling unmanaged

How to call managed C++ methods from Un-managed C++

How do I find the source of a "A procedure imported by 'xxx.dll' could not be loaded." exception?

c# c++ dll unmanaged managed

Can nunit-console list all test names in a test fixture?

How to hook a method from ANY thread within a process using unmanaged EasyHook?

c++ hook unmanaged easyhook

How to convert Half to Single in .NET with hardware acceleration?

Sync video play over network

c++ networking video unmanaged

Call unmanaged function in struct from VTable

c# .net unmanaged vtable

How can I embed an unmanaged C++ form into a .NET application?

c# .net c++ unmanaged

How do I strongly name an Unmanaged C++ Dll?

Create DLL from unmanaged C++

How much GCHandle pinned memory/objects would make Garbage Collector slows down?

How to analyze <unclassified> memory usage in windbg

What exactly happens during a "managed-to-native transition"?