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New posts in uiviewanimation

Mimic Apple's UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut math equation?

How to custom UIViewAnimationCurve like CAMediaTimingFunction's functionWithControlPoints

UIView animation curve not working easeinout

UIPageViewController black background when sliding more

Strange behavior when animating UITextField

How to implement Spotify-like iOS app sidebar feature

Only one (custom) annotation rotating from an array of other annotations

How to have UINavigationController use flip animation while push a UIViewController

Change UIWindow background color when device rotates

Use two different UIViewAnimationCurves in the same animation

User interaction on an animated UIButton

setFrame in UIView animation doesn't move, only snaps in place

How to identify the collision of two imageviews when they are moving with animation?

How to rotate UIView by 45 degrees?

UIView animation to slide down

Repeat the delay in a UIView animation loop?

Equation for time-versus-position graph for iOS 7 spring animation (animateWithDuration:delay:usingSpringWithDamping:...)

iOS 4.2 Block Animation --> Why do I get these warnings: -[UIApplication beginIgnoringInteractionEvents] overflow. Ignoring

ios4 uiviewanimation

UIView - Animate with duration seems to ignore duration

UIImagePickerController how to do animated switch from rear to front camera?