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New posts in uisplitviewcontroller

UIPopOverController inside UISplitViewController

Two UISplitViewControllers, 1 (Shared) Detail View

Modal disappearing after rotating UISplitViewController

Hidden back button appears sometimes in navigation bar

UISplitViewController - Multiple Detail View Controllers via storyboard segues

Split view controller rotation on iPhone 6 Plus

UISplitView new slide-in popover becomes fullscreen after memory warning in iOS 5.1

UISplitViewController - Use as slideout-style menu

How to make UIsplitview's popover visible in portrait mode iPad

Adding background to entire UISplitViewController

iOS (iPad) Drag & Drop in a UISplitViewController

Sliding window with UiSplitview like gmail iPad app in Landscape and Portrait

Why does didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation in a category cause issues with UISplitView?

UISplitViewController portrait to landscape rotation disabled in iOS 8 when popover presented

Can't get rid of "Splitview controller is expected to have a view controller at index 0 before it's used" error in iOS6

Can performSegueWithIdentifier be used with the AppDelegate?

Draw a separator line in conjunction with Auto Layout

New UINavigationBar appearance in detail pane of UISplitViewController in iOS 13

UISplitViewController inside tab bar

iOS: UISplitViewController cannot be pushed to UINavigationController