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New posts in uisearchdisplaycontroller

How do I use the UISearchBar and UISearchDisplayController

UISearchDisplayController - how to preload searchResultTableView

UISearchDisplayController's searchResultsTableView's ContentSize is incorrect. Bug in iOS 7?

searchDisplayController deprecated in iOS 8

Hide UISearchBar Cancel Button

UIViewController does not retain its programmatically-created UISearchDisplayController

How do I close a UISearchDisplayController programmatically?

UITableView content overlaps Status Bar when UISearchBar is active

Displaying search bar in navigation bar in iOS 8

Installed App from TestFlight crashes due to alleged UISearchDisplayController

iOS 7 UISearchDisplayController search bar overlaps status bar while searching

Prevent a UISearchDisplayController from hiding the navigation bar

How to change background color of UISearchBar in iOS7

Assertion failure when using UISearchDisplayController in UITableViewController

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar