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New posts in uisearchdisplaycontroller

Show a preloaded search results?

Crash when searching in two section

iPhone SDK: Setting the size of UISearchDisplayController's table view

UISearchBar moves down 20 pixels

How can I determine if a UISearchDisplayController's searchResultsTableView is visible?

Custom CellIdentifier is Null When Using Search Display Controller

Force scope bar below UISearchBar

IOS7 Status bar change to black after search is active

How to use NSFetchedResultsController and UISearchDisplayController

iOS 7 - UITableViewController with search is under status bar

Cursor invisible in UISearchBar iOS 7

UISearchController doesn't hide view when pushed

Reloading UITableView behind UISearchDisplayController

How can I use UISearchDisplayController with UICollectionViewController?

Keeping UINavigationController's navigationBar hidden after UISearchDisplayController selection

UISearchDisplayController causes crash after viewDidUnload

UISearchDisplayController - Method for when cancel button is clicked

Strange UISearchDisplayController view offset behavior in iOS 7 when embedded in navigation bar

UISearchDisplayController with displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar pushes result view down with navigationBar.translucent = false

UISearchBar animation issue