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New posts in uisearchdisplaycontroller

UISearchDisplayController - how to display search result with only by scope button selected but empty search string

UISearchBar linked with a UISearchDisplayController in the header of a UITableView in iOS7

UISearchDisplayController from a button not the default search field

Getting notified when user presses "Search" on keyboard in UISearchDisplayController

How can I filter UITableView with two predicates in IOS

Extra space above search bar when UISearchDisplayController is active

Howto implement UISearchDisplayController in a UIViewController without Interface Builder

How to mimic UISearchBar's behaviours of Safari in iOS

How to add another textfield to UISearchController when focus is on Search Bar?

Deleting from UISearchController's filtered search results

iOS 7 UISearchDisplayController search bar disappears

setNavigationBarHidden:YES doesn't work with the searchDisplayController

How can I change strings of "Cancel" button, "No Results" label in UISearchBar of UISearchDisplayController?

Change the searchDisplayController table view style to grouped?

UISearchBar clipped under status bar when added to UISearchDisplayController

UISearchBar automatically resizes and changes frame

Creating a UISearchDisplayController programmatically

How to set text in UISearchBar without activating UISearchDisplayController

Focus on the UISearchBar but the keyboard not appear

UISearchDisplayController not correctly displaying custom cells