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New posts in type-systems

Row polymorphic equality of type-level lists

Disambiguation of higher kinded type vs higher order type

Can a type be a reference type and a value type at the same time?

c# type-systems

Why do I need to write let to declare a variable?

Are function parameters not polymorphic in Algorithm W (or Haskell)?

I want to write a function which is similar to `flip` in Haskell to get rid of lambda expressions. But I can't deal with it's type

Message equivalent of dependent method types

scala akka type-systems

Ostensible inconsistencies in singleton types

Is it actually possible to remove "Pi" from Calculus of Constructions?

Extending the .NET type system so the compiler enforces semantic meaning of primitive values in certain cases

Generalized type-defaulting rules

haskell type-systems

Can't narrow simple TypeScript union type with undefined property

Why can I use `>>=` without an explicit or implicit definition?

What are the deficiencies of the Java/C# type system?

c# java haskell type-systems

why optional typing in Dart?

Which programming languages support functions that take themselves as arguments?

Is there a simpler type system with the practical utilities of CoC? [duplicate]

Compile-time array bounds

.net arrays type-systems