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New posts in tycho

Developing eclipse plugin using maven dependencies

Custom pom.xml filename in Maven multimodule for Tycho

maven maven-3 tycho

Eclipse Tycho: Testing plug-in's without using single test-bundles

How to make JUnit4 + Hamcrest 1.3 + Mockito work from Eclipse AND Tycho

How to reference mockito within tycho?

java maven mockito tycho

tycho & jar signing

"Icon(s) not replaced" error when building product with Tycho

maven icons eclipse-rcp tycho p2

How to analyze low-level OSGi problems during tycho test execution?


Usage of Maven tycho-p2-plugin with SWT

java maven swt tycho p2

Specify name of OSX application file for Eclipse RCP app

eclipse-rcp tycho

Eclipse RCP built by Tycho includes unwanted optional dependencies

OSGi + Logback + slf4j - Eclipse Run Configuration

eclipse osgi slf4j equinox tycho

Is it possible to configure tycho-surefire to run in the test phase?

Use maven tycho to build with a manifest entry Bundle-ClassPath that gets downloaded by the maven-dependency-plugin

java build maven osgi tycho

How do I make Jenkins, Sonar and the JaCoCo plugin work together for Eclipse Tycho Plugin Projects (or maybe Cobertura)?

How to get a Fragment-Bundle into Tycho test runtime?

osgi tycho osgi-fragment

Tycho: 'Unable to satisfy dependency ...' when building via multi-module parent

maven tycho

Tycho build error: "... requires bundle ... but it could not be found"

Maven + Tycho, adding Maven dependencies