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New posts in tuples

placing objects deriving from tuple into a vector in C++

Is there any reason we can't have some syntactic sugar around tuples?

c# tuples syntactic-sugar

Variadic aggregates as core language feature

Iterate over tuple elements with std::apply

c++ lambda tuples c++17

Do tuples implement `Copy`?

rust tuples

convert dict of lists of tuples to dataframe

Python, list of tuples split into dictionaries

python list dictionary tuples

Scala: normal functions vs tupled functions?

Python list format from mysqldb

With scala, can I unapply a tuple and then run a map over it?

scala tuples

elegant unpacking variable-length tuples

python tuples

Avoid long tuple definitions in haskell

haskell tuples hxt

Python: TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

python list tuples typeerror

Alamofire Not Working Properly - Tuple Issue Different number of elements

ios xcode tuples alamofire

Do tuple implementations have an optimized layout?

Return Tuple of Index and .max() Value?

Tuple with `let` or `var`

swift tuples

Typescript tuple of two booleans being inferred as an array of type boolean

Convert python sequence with multiple datatypes to tensor

what tuples are good for? [duplicate]

c# .net-4.0 tuples