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Rails Truncate with an on hover function

ruby-on-rails truncate

How to truncate a string (containg a path) without touching the filename?

Pandas Dataframe How to cut off float decimal points without rounding?

Is "VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8" 255 bytes or 255 characters

How to add an ellipsis in a Django template using truncatewords without the final space?

django templates truncate trim

Understanding File Truncation

c linux file unix truncate

How to truncate a partitioned external table in hive?

MATLAB - Delete elements of binary files without loading entire file

Cut an UTF8 text in PHP

No Truncate function in PHP - Options?

php decimal truncate floor

MySQL: Truncate Table vs Delete From Table

What's the best way to update data in a table while it's in use without locking the table?

Rails Truncate and raw not working together

ruby-on-rails truncate

android:ellipsize in ICS text continues after ellipsis

Truncating svg text to fit a rect

Why Does Oracle 10g to_char(date time) Truncate Strings?

oracle buffer truncate to-char

How to truncate a string [formating] ? c++

Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) II using ^FB or ^TB truncates text at specific lenghts

truncate zpl zpl-ii

log4j truncates stacktrace

Truncate table on migration down method of ActiveRecord Rails 3.1