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Travis-ci matplotlib dependency and python3

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Error with JavaScript enabled tests (Bootstrap 3, Rails 4, Travis CI)

'Angular could not be found' when integrating Travis/Sauce Labs

Travis not accumulating build exit codes


Why is `npm version` not committing the updated package.json?

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How to install a custom PHP extension on Travis (OAuth)

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Travis CI: branch filters in build matrix items


gcloud auth throws PyOpenSSL is not available

Can I use Travis CI with Java without using ANT or Maven?

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Tox running command based on env variable

Why does Travis not find my header file? (when the same instruction runs fine on my local Xcode)

Is it possible to test hardware dependent code with Travis CI?

How to automate Multi-Arch-Docker Image builds

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Travis run-check permission denied error solution?

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asan with g++ 5.4.0 not working on travis CI

Travis-CI `Android 28 licenses have not been accepted`

Conditional Commands in tox? (tox, travis-ci, and coveralls)

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How to run aws configure in a travis deploy script?