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New posts in traits

Why does the Scala API have two strategies for organizing types?

scala import package traits

Accessing overridden methods from a mixin in Scala

scala traits

Traits; parent & self type-hints in PHP 5.4

In Scala, how do i tell an abstract base class that type parameter T supports implicit conversion from Int (or Float, or...)?

instanceVariables in traits smalltalk

smalltalk traits pharo

Traits with own properties

php traits

Create selector dynamically from string

What's the rule to implement an method in trait?

scala types extends traits

Why trait does not override method in class?

php traits

traits and associated-types

How would I use trait objects for function callbacks?

rust traits

Rust calling default implementation of function in specialized version

Why do I need "use rand::Rng" to call gen() on rand::thread_rng()?

rust module traits

What is "impl const" in Rust?

rust syntax constants traits

Can traits be used to build a game component system in Scala?

scala traits

Force Scala trait to implement a certain method

scala mixins traits

SFINAE issue in creating an "is_iterable" trait - is this a gcc bug?

What is the cited problem with using generic type parameters in trait objects?

What does it mean when we let a trait inherits 'static?

rust static traits lifetime

How to make the type checking at compile time?

scala types traits