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New posts in trait-objects

Generics plus dynamic dispatch

rust traits trait-objects

How to pass a boxed trait object by value in Rust?

rust traits trait-objects

How can I use Rc::clone while casting to a trait object?

rust trait-objects

Why can't I push into a Vec of dyn Trait unless I use a temporary variable?

What is the cited problem with using generic type parameters in trait objects?

What are the rules for blanket implementations regarding modules?

How do you create a Box<dyn Trait>, or a boxed unsized value in general?

rust trait-objects

How can I create a list of owned trait objects without allocating each item on the heap separately?

rust trait-objects

Are vtables generated for all types that implement a trait?

Why can a function on a trait object not be called when bounded with `Self: Sized`?

rust traits trait-objects

Why can't some traits be made into objects

rust trait-objects

Why does using Option::map to Box::new a trait object not work?

rust trait-objects

Why can a &str not be passed to a function accepting a &dyn Display trait object?

rust trait-objects

Confusing error in Rust with trait object lifetime

rust lifetime trait-objects

Understanding Traits and Object Safety

rust traits trait-objects

How do I pass Rc<RefCell<Box<MyStruct>>> to a function accepting Rc<RefCell<Box<dyn MyTrait>>>?

function pointer vs Fn trait object [duplicate]

Difference between &mut and ref mut for trait objects

How to move a value out of an object-safe trait object?

Function returning a closure not working inside my filter

rust closures trait-objects