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How to set up Java to use user specific certificates for Eclipse?

How to quickly add tickets in Trac? [closed]

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Codaset, Codebasehq, Unfuddle, Trac or Redmine? [closed]

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Change ticket display in Trac

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Why choose mod_dav_svn instead of svnserve & a repository browser?

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What headaches should I expect from using Trac?

How do I change the default landing page in a Trac wiki?

trac bug-tracking

Kanban board plug-in for Trac

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Do you need a project management system if you work alone? [closed]

How can I best take advantage of Trac?

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How can I make a link to a git changeset in Trac when there is more than one repository and neither one is default?

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web based subversion viewer [closed]

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How best to do Agile Development with Trac? [closed]

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What are some recommended plugins for Trac? [closed]

psycopg2 TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

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Trac vs. Redmine [closed]

"make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443" when restarting apache (installing trac and mod_wsgi)

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