In particular, I need a more full fledged version of Trac to support robust project management, and task tracking. I went through the plugins and literally found over 50 that looked promising.
My question is to the admins/users of Trac: which ones are indespensible for making Trac feature complete and which ones should be avoided (e.g. stability issues)?
Lots of Trac plugins look promising. Unfortunately only a handful really delivers and even then some of them are not properly supported or maintained. They also tend to conflict sometimes.
I will not recommend anything for project management specifically but these are the ones which made our live so much easier:
TagsPlugin - the most useful one, adds tags support
BreadCrumbsNav - show previously visited pages, saves lots of time
ShowPath - show the breadcrumbs path, useful if you have your pages named hierarchically
CaseInsensitiveWiki - allows entering case-insensitive URLS
Stratistics - show Wiki/SVN statistics
WikiRename - allows page renaming (does not work well with the Tags)
WebAdmin - pre-installed in 0.11 but before you need to get it separately
My Favorites:
- Better editor WYSIWYG:
- TicketCalendar Macro:
- AccountManager:
- Agilo:
This is the place to watch
Besides those already mentioned here, I also found the following necessary:
Announcer - very flexible notification scheme
AutocompleteUsers - handy while typing (existent) user name
AutoLinks - automatically make words not conforming to wiki naming rule but matches existent page name a link
CustomFieldAdmin - make manage custom fields easier
Redirect - handy if you constantly need to make short-hand name wiki pages (like HTML redirects to HyperText .....)
TicketDelete - make deleting, if at all needed, easier
WikiRename - must-have for wiki refactoring
Below are good-to-have:
S5 - directly render wiki pages as slideshow in S5 format, could be really useful for using Trac as the source for presentation
FullBlog - add blogging support to Trac
Vote - cool add-on feature for big team
TracWikiToPdf - transform wiki page to pdf dynamically (however the effect might be all that satisfying)
TimingAndEstimation - neat for tracking time and/or estimation
I really like the BatchModifyPlugin that makes it easy to change more than one ticket at the time.