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Do you need a project management system if you work alone? [closed]

Do you need a project management system if you work alone? I mean a project management system that includes issue tracking, wiki, etc. Currently I keep my issues in a very good organizer software and I keep project documentation in Word files (and of course I have a version control system), so I am not really sure if I need a project management software, because I work alone.

One useful thing, I can think of, that project management system can additionally give me is linking issues with commits (UPDATE: I've found this feature useful enough: for example, right now I am creating documentation for the new release of my project and I consequently open every issue with "Pending for release" status, then I read the issue's description and then I can quickly view the diff of the commit for this issue - this helps me to see details and write better documentation).

Another one - sharing issues so your users or your employer can view or manage them.
What am I missing? Is project management software necessary when working as the only programmer?

UPDATE: I've thought up another useful thing: In comments we can give a link to an issue or a wiki article with detailed information about the code being commented.

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nightcoder Avatar asked Sep 10 '10 21:09


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1 Answers

You say you use some organizer software that helps you managing issues. So you already have your custom project management system. Just keep it.

Project management systems does not have to be big, support sharing data or other kinds of documentation. As a programmer you are supposed to use one to make your work organized, but it doesn't matter which one. You can happily use plain text files if they work for you.

Still, if there is even a slight chance that you'll be cooperating with someone, you should try something that allows cooperation... just to know how they work.

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liori Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 11:09
