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Web Project planning tutorial [closed]

I am about to start a web project in PHP/MySql and would like to do proper planning but i have no experience in doing this, so i am looking for an online tutorial i can read that will help me learn how to plan web projects.

Please post resourcesful links.


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user382913 Avatar asked Jul 20 '10 17:07


1 Answers

  1. Read What should a developer know before building a public web site?
  2. Define and document scope
  3. Define and document functional requirements
  4. Look for existing solutions - if you can leverage a CMS or eCommerce package you can save a lot of development time
  5. Design database (ER Diagram)
  6. Design website structure (sections, links, navigation)
  7. Design page layout - wireframe tools or even paper/pencil are useful for this
  8. Design application structure - high level class structure
  9. Identify libraries and frameworks, e.g., Doctrine, Zend, CodeIgnitor, etc
  10. Technical design decisions - naming conventions, logging strategy, exception handling
  11. Testing Plan
  12. Implementation Plan


  • PHP project planning for idiots
  • PHP Application Development (part 1 and part 2)
  • Web Application Development - A Guide to Success
  • StackOverflow
    • How to plan my web based project before starting code ?
    • Web Design Process - Planning Stage…
    • How to design/plan for web application development?
    • Planning web applications
    • https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=[web-development]+plan
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BenV Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09
