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Visual Studio Team Services Build Queue Not Appearing in List

Set application pool with MSDeploy and TFS 2010

iis msdeploy tfsbuild

TFS NuGet tricks that I don't already know about?

nuget tfsbuild

MSBuild minify & concat javascript, hash contents into filename

TFS 2015 build - Get Sources is taking too long time (5 minutes)

tfs build tfsbuild

Is it possible to Export TFS 2010 Build Definitions?

MSBuild vs. Workflow

TFS 2010 build failing because it can't load Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.Plugins.CodeCoverage version 11.0

tfs tfsbuild

Trigger a build only when check in to specific folder and subs - Continuous Integration TFS

TFS2015 Build failed email notifications are missing errors

Manually Trigger a TFS Team Build

TFS 2010 API - Get work items from merge

Can't open a TFS build process template with Community Build Extensions in VS2012 using the dummy-project-with-refrences trick

Does anyone know the exit codes for tfsbuild.exe?

tfs tfsbuild

Queue build for non-default branch with git and VS

TFS Build The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6" were not found

tfs msbuild tfsbuild

How To: Deploy SQL Database Project using Team System Build 2010 (beta 2)

TeamCity vs Team Build

Solution.metaproj error MSB3202: The project file 'xxx' was not found


MSbuild Error: The builds tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = 'v140') cannot be found