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New posts in tfs-2015

Use Git LFS with TFS 2015 Update 2 OnPremise

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I am trying to use TFS2015 to publish a website solution like VS2015 with Publish Web App

Create Team Project in TFS2015 in Team Web Access without Visual Studio?

tfs tfs-2015

Team Foundation Server 2015 (tfs2015) run git gc --prune=now on orgin/remote

Visual studio alerts workspace already exists

dotnet test and publish tests to TFS 2015

testing build msbuild tfs-2015

How do I enable C# 7 builds in Team Foundation Server 2015?

TFS2015 Build failed email notifications are missing errors

TFS Build 2.0 C#, howto add variables to the build/Pass Msbuild args

tfs build tfs-2015

TFS Build 2015 failing because of incorrect NuGet version even when the required one is present in the build machine

Does TFS 2015 Proxy Server support Git? If it does, does it have full Git support?

git tfs tfs-2015

How do I add Board Columns and Swimlanes to my Iterations in TFS 2015

tfs tfs-2015 kanban

Upgrade TFS 2015 to TFS 2018 [closed]

tfs tfs-2015

What are the limitations for TFS 2015 Express [closed]

tfs tfs-2015

Excluding $tf folder in TFS 2015 - Copy and Publish Build Artifact

Signing out from TFS and sign in with new credentials

How would someone who is not the part of windows group or active directory access the TFS projects?

Convert TFS 2013 xaml Build Definition to TFS 2015 vNext Build

tfs tfsbuild tfs-2015

Tasks with parents showing up under Unparented in TFS 2015
