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New posts in textkit

NSAttributedString reporting incorrect sizes for UITextView sizeThatFits and boundingRectWithSize with correct options set

Get line information from UITextView and NSLayoutManager

Interpolating UITextFields with UITextView using Text Kit?

ios layout uitextview textkit

Confused by NSStringDrawingOptions item meaning

Creating animated text effects using NSLayoutManager?

UITextView textContainerInset not respecting bottom inset value

ios7 uitextview textkit

How to fit text in a circle in UILabel

Creating a text editor for iOS 7

UITextView – can't set underline or strikethrough attributes on text?

Animated UIImage in UITextView with TextKit

How to wrap text around attachments using iOS7 Text Kit?

How to set heading, subheading, body, footnote, and captions font for dynamic type text styles in Swift?

Character index at touch point for UILabel

objective-c ios7 textkit

How can I set the color and alignment of attributed text in a UITextView in iOS 7?

Adjust letter spacing in iOS 7

ios7 uilabel textkit

How do I locate the CGRect for a substring of text in a UILabel?

ios ios7 uilabel textkit

iOS 7 TextKit - How to insert images inline with text?

ios ios7 textkit

Detecting taps on attributed text in a UITextView in iOS

How to embed small icon in UILabel