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Interpolating UITextFields with UITextView using Text Kit?

I'm working on a text view that replaces placeholders with UITextFields. I pass it an object (a struct or a dictionary) with text containing multiple instances of a placeholder token. The dictionary also contains an array of fields that we want to collect data from. My goal is to place UITextFields (or other views) throughout my text, and hide the tokens.

Using NSLayoutManager methods to calculate the location of my placeholder tokens in the text containers, I convert those points to CGRects and then exclusion paths to, flow my text around the text fields. Here's what that looks like :

func createAndAssignExclusionPathsForInputTextFields () {

    var index = 0
    let textFieldCount = self.textFields.count

    var exclusionPaths : [UIBezierPath] = []

    while index < textFieldCount {

        let textField : AgreementTextField = self.textFields[index]

        let location = self.calculatePositionOfPlaceholderAtIndex(index)
        let size = textField.intrinsicContentSize()
        textField.frame = CGRectMake(location.x, location.y, size.width, size.height)


        index = index + 1

    self.textContainer.exclusionPaths = exclusionPaths

// ...

func calculatePositionOfPlaceholderAtIndex(textIndex : NSInteger) -> CGPoint {

    let layoutManager : NSLayoutManager = self.textContainer.layoutManager!

    let delimiterRange = self.indices[textIndex]
    let characterIndex = delimiterRange.location
    let glyphRange = self.layoutManager.glyphRangeForCharacterRange(delimiterRange, actualCharacterRange:nil)
    let glyphIndex = glyphRange.location
    let rect = layoutManager.lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex(glyphIndex, effectiveRange: nil, withoutAdditionalLayout: true)

    let remainingRect : UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect> = nil

    let textContainerRect = self.textContainer.lineFragmentRectForProposedRect(rect, atIndex: characterIndex, writingDirection: .LeftToRight, remainingRect: remainingRect)

    let position = CGPointMake(textContainerRect.origin.x, textContainerRect.origin.y)

    return position

At this point, I have three issues:

  1. Once I assign an exclusion path to the textContainer, the calculated glyph positions for the other placeholders are now all wrong.
  2. The calculatePositionOfPlaceholderAtIndex method is giving me pretty good y values, but the x values are all 0.
  3. I haven't been able successfully hide the placeholder tokens.

So, to solve first issue on my list, I tried adding the exclusion path before calculating the next one, by changing createAndAssignExclusionPathsForInputTextFields:

func createAndAssignExclusionPathsForInputTextFields () {

    var index = 0
    let textFieldCount = self.textFields.count

    while index < textFieldCount {

        let textField : AgreementTextField = self.textFields[index]

        let location = self.calculatePositionOfPlaceholderAtIndex(index)
        let size = textField.intrinsicContentSize()
        textField.frame = CGRectMake(location.x, location.y, size.width, size.height)


        index = index + 1

Now, my calculated positions are all returning 0, 0. Not what we want. Adding an exclusion path understandably makes the calculated locations invalid, but getting 0, 0 back for every rect method isn't helpful.

How can I ask the layout manager to re-calculate the position for glyphs on screen after adding an exclusion path or hiding a glyph?

EDIT: Per Alain T's answer, I tried the following with no luck:

    func createAndAssignExclusionPathsForInputTextFields () {

    var index = 0
    let textFieldCount = self.textFields.count

    var exclusionPaths : [UIBezierPath] = []

    while index < textFieldCount {

        let textField : AgreementTextField = self.textFields[index]

        let location = self.calculatePositionOfPlaceholderAtIndex(index)
        let size = textField.intrinsicContentSize()
        textField.frame = CGRectMake(location.x, location.y, size.width, size.height)

        self.textContainer.exclusionPaths = exclusionPaths

        index = index + 1

    self.textContainer.exclusionPaths = exclusionPaths
like image 457
Moshe Avatar asked Dec 15 '15 18:12


1 Answers

I can only make suggestions as I am new at TextKit myself but something glared at me in your code and I thought I'd mention it in case it could help.

In your createAndAssignExclusionPathsForInputTextFields function, you are processing your fields in the order of your self.textFields array.

When you set the value of self.textContainer.exclusionPaths at the end of the function, the layout manager will (potentially) re-flow text around all your exclusions thus invalidating some of your calculation that were performed without taking into account the impact of other exclusions.

The way around this is to sort your self.textFields array so that they correspond to the text flow (they may already be in that order, I can't tell). Then, you must clear all the exclusions from self.textContainer.exclusionPaths and add them back one by one so that, before you calculate the next exclusion, the layout manager has reflowed the text around the previously added exclusion. (I believe it does it every time you set the exclusions but if it does not, you may need to call the layoutManager's ensureLayoutForManager function)

You must do this in text flow order so that every exclusion is added on a region of text that will not invalidate any previous exclusion.

Optimizing this to avoid a full clear/rebuild of exclusions is also possible but I would suggest getting to a working baseline before attempting that.

like image 183
Alain T. Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10

Alain T.