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Fast file search algorithm for IP addresses

efficient algorithm for searching one of several strings in a text?

adapting text search for graph/molecule comparison algorithms

Whats the quickest way to find a file in Zend Studio for Eclipse?

Programmatically search for text in a PDF file and tell the page number? [closed]

.net pdf text-search

Usage of TextSearch.Text in DataTemplate

Fast Dynamic Fuzzy search over 100k+ strings in C#

MongoDB diacriticInSensitive search not showing all accented (words with diacritic mark) rows as expected and vice-versa

how to perform search on Arabic text in JAVA?

Mongoose text-search with partial string

How can I create an index with pymongo [duplicate]

Find a class somewhere inside dozens of JAR files?

How does the Google "Did you mean?" Algorithm work? [closed]