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New posts in testunit

How to include unit tests in a ruby module?

How to define common setup and teardown logic for all tests in ruby's Test::Unit::TestCase?

How do I use Capybara to test that a form element is disabled when using jQuery's prop method?

Guard + spork + Rspec issue - How do I remove hooks to Test::Unit?

How do i get RSpec's shared examples like behavior in Ruby Test::Unit?

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ruby Test::Unit Command line options?

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In Ruby, how to I control the order in which Test::Unit tests are run?

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rake:test not running custom tests in subdirectory

How to skip certain tests with Test::Unit

Rails colour highlighting for the Test::Unit/rake command?

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Is it still possible to use test-unit in rails 4?

How to programmatically sign in a user through Devise in Rails

Mocha: stubbing method with specific parameter but not for other parameters

How to get stack trace from a Test::Unit::TestCase

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What is the difference between jest.mock(module) and jest.fn()

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How to output names of ruby unit tests

ruby unit-testing testunit

How to color unit tests with lib minitest or Test:Unit?

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In ruby, can you execute assert_equal and other asserts while in irb?

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Setup Factory Girl with Test::Unit and Shoulda

How to run multiple Rails unit tests at once

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