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How to programmatically sign in a user through Devise in Rails

I need to have a custom mechanism for signing in using Devise with Rails 4. So I found the sign_in method in Devise's test helpers section of their documentation:

sign_in @user          # sign_in(resource)

But is that the proper way to sign someone in from the web? In particular, will it do all the things Devise does when a user signs in, like recording the date/time stamps, IP addresses, sign in counts, etc? Or is this just for testing purposes?

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at. Avatar asked Mar 17 '14 20:03


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If you want to check whether user is signed for every action in the application, you have to put the filter in the application controller. You can do this for a specific controller also. Save this answer.

What does Devise gem do?

Devise is the cornerstone gem for Ruby on Rails authentication. With Devise, creating a User that can log in and out of your application is so simple because Devise takes care of all the controllers necessary for user creation ( users_controller ) and for user sessions ( users_sessions_controller ).

2 Answers

Devise offers a bunch of helpers, two of which are these:

sign_in(resource_or_scope, *args)
sign_in_and_redirect(resource_or_scope, *args)

You can use these from any controller.

If using sign_in already works for you but leaves the user on a blank page, check your logfile to see if there is a redirect going on, and where it redirects to. Or just make the redirect explicit by using the second of the helpers above.


  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/8123646/2034097
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Chuanpin Zhu Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11

Chuanpin Zhu

It is the proper and standard way to programatically sign a user in. Looking at the devise login code sessions#create you can see they use this method as well.

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Pierre Pretorius Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 16:11

Pierre Pretorius