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Haskell Terminology Clarification: "Evaluating Objects" (as used in Prof. Giesl's Haskell lecture series)

haskell terminology

Why is the second parameter to JSON.parse called “reviver”?

javascript json terminology

What to call factory-like (java) methods used with immutable objects

Meaning of "Primitive" in Operating System/Algorithm context

IS JSONP classified as AJAX?

ajax json jsonp terminology

What is the technical word associated to the binary representation of types?

Technical terminology - URL Paths types: Absolute, relative, and

PHP {$condition} && execute();

php terminology

Name and existence of functor or monad to chain and terminate sequence of operations

In Computer Science, what's the opposite of a dependency?

database question - Thrashing - What Is?


method invoked or method called?

methods terminology invoke

what is the difference between Emulate and Simulate?

Is there a name for this pattern with closures?

What does "interrupt hooking" mean?

relational terminology: foreign key source, destination?

sql oracle terminology

Is this a well known design pattern? What is its name?

What is the difference between an API, a framework and middleware? [closed]

What is LTS (Long Term Support)?

ubuntu terminology lts

Difference between an API and SDK

api sdk terminology