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What is "runaway query"?

sql terminology definition

What do you call a bugfix which, you know very well, doesn't fix the root cause?


Why is there a distinction between co and contravariant functors in Haskell but not Category Theory?

Would you call it level or depth?

What is polymorphic method in java?

Bitmap vs ImageView vs Drawable

What is xml normalization? [duplicate]

The sense of term ambient in ambient monad

Using Google Analytics API with PHP

What language coined the term lvalue? [closed]

c++ c terminology history lvalue

Programming Terminology


What does lowlink mean in Tarjan's SCC algorithm?

What is the difference between an algorithm and a programming model? [closed]

Difference between CPU Usage and CPU Utilization?

cpu-usage terminology

Why are niceness values inversely related to process priority?

linux unix terminology nice

Name for SELECT * FROM (VALUES (x,y)) AS TableLiteral(Col1, Col2)

sql-server tsql terminology

What is component oriented programming in Java?

java terminology ejb

What do the terms fork, master, origin, push, pull mean for Git and Github?

git github terminology

Difference Between ESB and EAI

terminology esb eai

Example that requires a closure or lambda