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New posts in templating

Is there a html-only templates system for php?

php html clojure templating

Templating Html.DisplayFor() in ASP.NET MVC 2

Laravel Blade Templates Section Repeated / cache error

Can blade yield to a section in the same file?

laravel-4 templating blade

Check if an object is empty in Nunjucks

Rebuild T4 template when external file is modified

How to get a SubString of variable using stencil templating tool for swift

templating swift-stencil

Why custom directive not reflecting changes in its code immediately

Partial include paths in mustache.js

Creating and populating a dictionary in jinja2

Ansible - Map an array of objects to a different array of objects

ansible yaml jinja2 templating

Pystache without escaping (unescaped)

Pug/Jade conditional AND/&& statement

How can I use Mojolicious rendering in a standalone Perl script?

perl templating mojolicious

Pass associative arrays in call_user_func_array(...)

php templating

Xamarin.Forms - Is there a mechanism to "include" a partial view?

how to use Smarty better with PHP?

Template engine for Ruby and Javascript

Javascript templating language in reverse

javascript templating