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Expand aliases in non-interactive shells

zsh csh tcsh

How can I find the location of the tcsh shell script I'm executing?

path shell directory tcsh

Unix tcsh - alias using command line argument $1 versus \!:1

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Exit tcsh script if error

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"Event not found" error for shell command in unix [duplicate]

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Bash's equivalent of Tcsh's ESC-p to jump to command starting with what you typed so far

Redirecting stderr in csh

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python subprocess.call() "no such file or directory"

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bash vs csh vs others - which is better for application maintenance? [duplicate]

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Redirect Standard Output/error to log file

shell unix redirect tcsh

What do >! and >>! do in tcsh

redirect tcsh

How can I echo commands in a tcsh script?

debugging echo csh tcsh

Ctrl-R to search backwards for shell commands in csh

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How can I use aliased commands with xargs?

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How can I check if a variable is empty or not in tcsh Shell?

csh tcsh

Display only files and folders that are symbolic links in tcsh or bash

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Is there an equivalent source command in Windows CMD as in bash or tcsh?

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How to set an environment variable for just one command in csh/tcsh

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Generate a random filename in unix shell

unix shell random tcsh

Check if a file is executable

bash tcsh