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New posts in taskbar

Windows shortcut not displaying correctly in taskbar until reboot

taskbar lnk

Changing the application title of an MFC app on the windows 7/8 jump list

Windows 7 Taskbar progress

c# wpf windows-7 taskbar

Grouping separate processes in the Windows Taskbar

.net winapi taskbar

What is the proper way to create a Form unobscured by the Windows taskbar?

.net winforms taskbar

how to acquire list of notification area icons?

windows winapi taskbar

Get the height of the Windows taskbar (Winapi)

c windows winapi taskbar

How to add OSX menu bar icon with wxPython

Main form not shown in Taskbar

winforms c#-2.0 taskbar

Ensure WPF Taskbar Window Preview is actualized

wpf windows-7 taskbar

How to change application icon within taskbar Delphi 2010

How to hide a taskbar entry but keep the window form?

windows-xp taskbar

How to restore a "missing" notification icon when explorer.exe is restarted?

winapi taskbar

How to group different apps in Windows task bar?

c# windows grouping taskbar

Pin this program to taskbar option missing in my C# application

c# windows-7 taskbar

Add to right click application menu in taskbar in .NET

.net windows taskbar

Flashing taskbar using Java (a la pidgin || MSN)

java taskbar

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 JumpList / TaskbarItemInfo example for Windows Forms

.net-4.0 taskbar

New taskbar icon when opening a window in WPF

c# wpf taskbar