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New posts in table-valued-parameters

Is the sort-order of table-valued-parameters guaranteed to remain the same?

Accessing stored procedures with robconery / massive?

Table-Valued Parameter in Stored Procedure and the Entity Framework 4.0

Pass table value param to stored procedure using PetaPoco

What permission do I need to use an SQL Server Table Valued Parameter (TVP) as a stored proc parameter?

DataTable with a byte[] field as parameter to a stored procedure

How to set up ASP.NET SQL Datasource to accept TVP

Is it safe to reuse a SqlDataRecord?

Pass test data to table-valued parameter within SQL

CLR Table-valued function with array argument

Passing Table Valued parameter to stored procedure across different databases

EF: Passing a table valued parameter to a user-defined function from C#

EntityFrameWork and TableValued Parameter

Table valued Parameter Equivalent in Postgresql

Passing parameter of type 'object' in table-valued parameter for sql_variant column

Setting nvarchar length to maximum in table valued parameters

Problems with table-value parameter performance

Table-Valued Parameters to CLR Procedures in SQL Server 2008 - possible?

Performance of User-Defined Table Types in SQL Server

How can I insert 10 million records in the shortest time possible?