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T4 Assembly Directive with Relative Path in Website Project?

c# visual-studio-2010 t4

Is it possible to define a new class within a t4 template?


T4 Web API C# to Typescript class library [closed]

Getting started with T4


Generate T4 file when same-class code files have been modified

c# t4

t4 "VisualStudioHelper" not found

T4 Templates and connection strings in a class library

Calling a class in the same project from T4 template

c# .net t4

T4 Templates - suitable for generating C++ code?

T4 indentation in generated C# code

c# t4

SubSonic ASP.NET MVC sample in Visual Web Developer Express

asp.net-mvc subsonic t4

How do I use custom library/project in T4 text template?

c# reference t4

What's the difference between Visual Studio 2008 Standard and Professional?

Customize Context filename when using Entity Framework Power Tools Reverse Engineering

entity-framework-4 t4

What would be considered the best way to architect sending email from a C# web application?

T4 template for NHibernate? - not Fluent NHibernate

c# .net nhibernate t4

T4 Preprocessed Template Debugging Not Working - Visual Studio 2010 RTM