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New posts in system.diagnostics

Application Insights Not showing Trace.TraceInformation messages

I'm getting an ConfigurationErrorsException "Couldn't find constructor for class CustomListener"

Event Logging IPAddress does not always resolve

Problem launching a System.Diagnostics.Process under Windows 7

Can I turn off tracing for a single assembly that my code references?

c# trace system.diagnostics

System.Diagnostics Traces wildcard for source name

c# .net system.diagnostics

Using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Logging.FileLogTraceListener with ASP.NET MVC 3

AverageTimer32 counter value becomes zero

.net system.diagnostics

Encoding issue when capturing console application output in a test

What do time fields in CounterSample mean?

c# system.diagnostics

How to get a list of all Windows Event Logs (Event Viewer Logs) with their hierarchy and friendly names in C#

Best way to read csv file in C# to improve time efficiency

"File not found" error launching system32\winsat.exe using Process.Start()

Calling System.Diagnostics.Trace from a Dynamics CRM 2011 Plugin

Assume always-trust is yes/true in GPG cmd

Is it possible to subclass an EventSource in ETW?

Add a default TraceListener for all TraceSources in App.config

How can I get the current Trace Switch programatically?

Log4net traceappender not logging anything

System.Diagnostics.Trace, simplest possible programmatic configuration