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New posts in dynamics-crm-2011

Linq where clause finding for attribute on wrong entity

Auditing Customization in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Lambda expression with .Where clause using Contains

Microsoft Dynamics Crm Sdk - Is this query possible?

Dynamics CRM 2011 how can I set the string field to be unique?

how to configure log4net to work inside a CRM 2011 plugin?

log4net dynamics-crm-2011

MS Dynamics CRM 2011 SDK - Update entity record using late-binding

c# sdk dynamics-crm-2011

How to write a "Between" Query Expression for today's date and two date attributes on an entity in a single condition?

c#-4.0 dynamics-crm-2011

crm 2011 how to hide/show the ribbon button with javascript

How to import large volume of data into CRM 2011 Online entities?

Why are users only assigned to a single business unit?

Fetching (strongly typed) related entities using FetchXML

What is the Secondary Entity in the MS CRM Registration Tool?


Is it possible to place an org in it's own process

c# dynamics-crm-2011

What is the difference between service.Create and orgContext.AddObject?

FetchXML View to Include Attributes from Nested Link-Entity

is Convert.toInt32(boolean) the only way in c# to do this?

How to Remove the addPreSearch Filter

Xrm is undefined in Dynamics CRM 2011


a proxy type with the name account has been defined by another assembly