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New posts in system-administration

What is the difference between PHP and libapache2_mod_php

What is good practice for writing web applications that control daemons (and their config files)

How to force delete an open file using PowerShell

Nagios Plugin Error: (No output on stdout) ... failed. errno is 2: No such file or directory

Add or update a configuration record in /etc/environment

When should server maintenance affect implementation descisions?

Python App ouput to syslog server

"--target list" meaning in qemu installation

Which Desktop Virtualization software runs most smoothly? [closed]

local user name disallowed chars

How can I extract a subtree from my SVN repository into a new one?

svn system-administration

How much a programmer should know about system admin?


The Neglected Stakeholder a.k.a the System Administrator

Hyperledger Fabric Composer - restricting access rights of system administrators

As a developer, what changes or installs, do you make on a vanilla OS X system?

Dig +trace does not do a trace

Postgresql 9.3 on Centos 7 with custom PGDATA

what is the proper way to test NFS performance [closed]

Only allow certain countries traffic access specific page

What is the most secure way to retrieve the system Drive