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New posts in sudo

Android Debug Bridge (adb) command line tool exists in $PATH, but "command not found" in linux

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How to give permission using NSTask - objective-c [duplicate]

My sudo command not working [closed]

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Switch to postgres user on Mac

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Running a program in the background as sudo

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Net::SSH sudo command hangs after entering password

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Automatically input a password when a bash script is run [duplicate]

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Get netbeans to run my project with sudo?

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How to pass arguments to package installer from mac terminal

Debugging a C++ program in NetBeans 8.0 which needs the sudo to run

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Cannot execute Bash script from PHP

php ajax html bash sudo

Proper method to acquire root access on Linux for Qt applications

c++ linux qt root sudo

Command not found with sudo, but works without sudo

bash command sudo

tigervncserver crashes unless started with sudo

sudo vnc vnc-server

Is the "--no-scripts" option enough to account for the security concerns about running composer as root?

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In Linux how to add a build step in Qt Creator that uses su privileges without getting the wrong password attempts on builds?

ubuntu qt-creator sudo qmake

How can I allow bash -c for sudoers (followed by multiple commands)?

bash sudo sudoers

Fabric Sudo No Password Solution

python deployment sudo fabric

Ansible hosts configuration using private key and sudo user

How to prompt for sudo password with ansible

ansible sudo