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Signing a Package in MAC

Uninstaller for a cocoa application

cocoa macos packagemaker

Mac PackageMaker "Destination Select" step A) skipping B)Option permanently disabled

Mac PackageMaker - Random reset of owner/group/perms

Mac PackageMaker - Allow Relocation Issues

Running postflight script when installing a package on Mac

PackageMaker error could not copy resources to en.lproj

How to start application after installation with PackageMaker

macos packagemaker

Creating package installer in OS X - install Python, NumPy and other dependencies

How to pass arguments to package installer from mac terminal

How to automate or programmatically make changes to System Preference settings on Mac OS X

How do I build an OS X installer package with a custom background with productbuild?

OSX installer Package plugin [closed]

macos packagemaker

Are PackageMaker installations with preinstall scripts broken on Snow Leopard?

productsign error: SignData failed: CSSMERR_CSP_NO_USER_INTERACTION

Add app to OSX "Login Items" during a Package Maker installer postflight script

macos bash packagemaker

Uninstaller for package on Mac OS X