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New posts in substitution

Bewildering behavior of `substitute` in R

Have Sphinx replace docstring text

capturing an expression as a function body in R

Math Latex macros to make substitutions in reStructuredText and Sphinx

Vim substitution with regex

regex vim substitution

Perl regex substitution using external parameters

regex perl substitution

Vim substitution of a list of words with another same length list of words?

regex vim replace substitution

Vim: substitution in a range that is less than a line

vim replace substitution

How do I create a "macro" for regressors in R?

In Ruby, how do I replace the question mark character in a string?

ruby string uri substitution

How can I make SQL Developer/SQL+ prompt only once for a substitution variable that occurs multiple times in a single statement?

Substitution with sed + bash function

bash sed substitution

Can I use variable substitution with ansible-galaxy and requirements.yml?

bash ansible yaml substitution

Resolve Substitutions in RestructuredText

Replacing named capturing groups with re.sub

python regex substitution

Use eval(substitute()) on multiple expressions

r eval substitution

How to replace '&=' with '=&' in Vim?

vim substitution

Vim alter text as or immediately after it's put

vim substitution

SymPy, simplification / substitution using known patterns or sub-expressions

awk dynamic document indexing