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How to change the text editor in git to Sublime - currently git commit commands are opening in Notepad

Backslash can not be inserted in Sublime Text 3


Why won't this regex work in SublimeText when it does in Vim?

regex sublimetext3

Sublime Text (3) plugin define new panel

How to exit "go run" in the GoSublime's command-shell?

windows go sublimetext3

Sublime Text 3 build system: keep console running

Turn off autocomplete in Sublime REPL in Sublime Text 2

Is there a command to select everything between a range of cursors in sublime?

sublimetext3 sublimetext

Is it possible to have multicolored headings in markdown syntax in at least one of these editors: Sublime Text 3, Vim or Visual Studio Code?

Sublime Text 3 and Filter Lines plugin - need keyboard shortcut for Code Folding


Is it possible to copy a line in sublime text without moving the cursor?


Sublime Text 3 - Change color of just one window?

sublimetext sublimetext3

Sublime Text 3 Incremental Selection

SublimeText 3 - Package Control: Removed directory for orphaned package ColdFusion

How to change the default syntax highlighting for new files in Sublime Text [duplicate]

Sublime Text 3 - Jupyter interaction via Hermes

python sublimetext3 jupyter

ERB in HTML background syntax highlighting with Sublime Text 3?

Convert php arrays with the new syntax

sublime text multiple cursor shortcut

sublimetext3 shortcut

what is the red arrow on the left of the line numbers in Sublime
