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How to enable Groovy comments in SublimeText 3 on a Mac?

Is there a way to change the font in the status bar Sublime Text 3?

How to return previous version of Sublime Text 3?


How do you execute a lua file in sublime text 3?

Sublime Text 3 - Emmet shortcut for HTML 5 not working.

Sublime 3 error installing package control

sublimerepl getenv failing

sublime press key "escape" can't type anything

input sublimetext3

deleting all characters after a semicolon

sublimetext3 sublimetext

How do I make Sublime Text 3 my default text editor on Windows 10?

How do you find and replace within selection in sublime text 3?

sublimetext3 text-editor

Sublime Text 3: Build System - node.js. NPM module not executing

How do I fix linting error on jsx closing tags : "unclosed regular expression"?

sublime text 3 ctrl backspace doesn't work

Breakpoints in two applications sharing the same codebase using Xdebug

How to get outline view of Latex Project in Sublime text?

Sublime Text: interactive confirm for replace?

Regular expressions in ignored_words in Sublime Text 3 spell_check?