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New posts in string-interpolation

Why does interpolating a const string result in a compiler error?

String interpolation issues

What does $($variableName) mean in expandable strings in PowerShell?

Does Python do variable interpolation similar to "string #{var}" in Ruby?

Does Rust support Ruby-like string interpolation?

rust string-interpolation

How do I convert a string into an f-string?

What is the default culture for C# 6 string interpolation?

How does string interpolation work in Kotlin?

String interpolation in Scala 2.10 - How to interpolate a String variable?

How to construct a std::string with embedded values, i.e. "string interpolation"?

c++ string-interpolation

How do I use String interpolation in a Groovy multiline string?

What's the difference between raw string interpolation and triple quotes in scala

Is there a formatted byte string literal in Python 3.6+?

Specifying locale for string interpolation in C#6 (Roslyn CTP6)

C# interpolated string with conditional-operator [duplicate]

Getting an "invalid syntax" when trying to perform string interpolation

f-strings vs str.format()

PHP variable interpolation vs concatenation [duplicate]

Swift 3 incorrect string interpolation with implicitly unwrapped Optionals

String concatenation vs. interpolation in Ruby