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New posts in stdstring

How to make Visual Studio 2010 warn about unused variables?

Why can't I create a std::string_view from std::string iterators?

Whis is faster for getting a part of the string, std::string::erase or std::string::substr

c++ stdstring

How do I access STL classes like std::string in gdb postmortem? [duplicate]

gdb core stdstring

Should I use operator+= instead of operator+ for concatenating std::string?

Can one leverage std::basic_string to implement a string having a length limitation?

Reading a specific number of characters from C++ stream into std::string

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Converting QString to std::string

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Convert boost::container::boost basic_string to std::string

Why does this compile: string = int

c++ c++11 gcc stdstring

How to create std::string from output stream?

c++ stdstring

Why there is no view<T> similar to std::string_view

c++ c++17 stdstring

Why isn't std::string::max_size() == std::string::allocator::max_size()

c++ stdstring allocator

C++: How can i create a function that accepts concatenated strings as parameter?

c++ cout stdstring

C++ - std::wstring to std::string - quick and dirty conversion for use as key in std::map

c++ stdstring

GDB reports wrong address for parameter in c++ object's constructor

Performance std::strstr vs. std::string::find [duplicate]

c++ gcc stdstring strstr

warning: object backing the pointer will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression for std::pair

Python-like string multiplication in C++

c++ c++11 stdstring

C++: Correct implementation for passing a std::string to a C function that wants to change the string?

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