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New posts in stdint

Should I use the stdint.h integer types on 32/64 bit machines?

c integer typedef stdint

How should the [u]int_fastN_t types be defined for x86_64, with or without the x32 ABI?

c x86-64 stdint linux-x32-abi

Including C standard headers in CUDA NVRTC code

cuda preprocessor stdint nvrtc

Portable reinterpretation of uint8_t as int8_t and forcing two's complement

c casting stdint

Printf with typedef integers, especially 64bit

c gcc printf typedef stdint

what's the equivalent of atoi or strtoul for uint32_t and other stdint types?

c type-conversion c99 stdint

Compile time checking existence of stdint.h

c typedef uint32 stdint

Casting uint32_t to int32_t and comparing them afterwards

c stdint

Why in C language for every signed int type must there be a corresponding unsigned int type?

c c99 unsigned signed stdint

Why do stdint.h can be found but cstdint not?

c++ g++ stdint acc

uint8_t not rollover to 0 after reaching 255 not working properly

c uint8t stdint gcc5

Why do implementations of "stdint.h" disagree on the definition of UINT8_C?

difference between __u8 and uint8_t

c++ types stdint

Why Microsoft Visual Studio cannot find <stdint.h>? [duplicate]

c++ std stdint

Fastest integer type for common architectures

Which C++ standard header defines SIZE_MAX?

c++ header size-t stdint

What is this mysterious macro plus sign in stdint.h?

c macros stdint

How to check if fixed width integers are defined

c++ c++11 types stdint cstdint

Reasons to use (or not) stdint

c char stdint