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New posts in state-monad

Tips for more elegant code with monads?

Tidying up Monads - turning application of a monad transformer into newtype monad

Scala and State Monad

scala state-monad

Why must we use state monad instead of passing state directly?

How to deal with application state in Gtk2Hs

haskell state-monad gtk2hs

A parallel monad map in Haskell? Something like parMapM?

stacking StateT in scalaz

Managing state - chapter 3 of SICP

haskell state sicp state-monad

What is the difference between `ioToST` and `unsafeIOToST` from GHC.IO

haskell io ghc state-monad

Haskell help to understand this State monad code: where is runState defined?

haskell state-monad

Combining monads in Haskell

haskell io state-monad

Confusion about StateT, State and MonadState

haskell state-monad

Stricter Strict State Monad

Basic Scalaz State question

State Monad with multiple state values

haskell monads state-monad

How does 'get' actually /get/ the initial state in Haskell?

haskell monads state-monad

Updating a Big State Fast in Haskell

how can I decently add an "undo" functionality to State monads?

haskell state-monad

Understanding the Reader monad

scalaz List[StateT].sequence - could not find implicit value for parameter n: scalaz.Applicative