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New posts in state-monad

what is proper monad or sequence comprehension to both map and carry state across?

scala state monads state-monad

Simulating interacting stateful objects in Haskell

Haskell: map runST

haskell state-monad

Has the Control.Monad.State API changed recently?

haskell state-monad

Haskell Monad Transformer Stack and Type Signatures

Scala State monad - combining different state types

State monad in OCaml

Retrocausality in Haskell: From Tardis to RevState

What is the purpose of the state monad?

Haskell: How to write interactive interpreter on top of a State monad?

Why does this simple use of the State monad cause a stack overflow?

State Monad, sequences of random numbers and monadic code

Combining StateT and State monads

How do I avoid referring to all state variables when updating only a few?

haskell state-monad

ST Monad == code smell?

Use of Haskell state monad a code smell?

Scalaz state monad examples

scala scalaz state-monad

Difference between State, ST, IORef, and MVar